Land Rights Projects undertaken by SVSS
Empowerment of Rural Women through Land Ownership in U.P

Empowerment of Rural Women through Land Ownership in U.P

The focus in Uttar Pradesh is on empowering rural women through land ownership. The prevalence of landlessness is a significant deprivation, with 10% of farmers lacking land, and the situation is even worse for women. Despite constituting a majority of the workforce, women only possess 9.3% of the land, and their status as farmers is often overlooked. Extensive research has consistently demonstrated that women’s status improves when they have ownership of land. However, despite changes in inheritance laws, complex social customs and practices have hindered substantial progress. In response to these challenges, SVSS has provided various training to women on their land rights and advocating with the government to remove barriers that prevent women from owning land. Total 10,000 women’s were impacted under this project.